As dental treatments become more advanced, we maintain an up-to-date practice to continually offer the very best care. Our full-service practice invests heavily in the latest advanced dental technologies so our patients can enjoy precise and successful treatment plans. Our advanced dental technologies in East Orange, NJ allows you to enjoy your dental visit with less discomfort and better success. By combining these advanced dental technologies with our team’s training and education, including over six decades of combined experience, we provide improved levels of care to those who need it most.
CBCT scanners are used to digitally capture highly detailed images of your mouth and the surrounding structures for better treatment planning.
A form of biological recycling, when providing bone grafting we can use your extracted teeth as a source of the graft material for an improved body acceptance rate and improved healing.
PRGF is a form of advanced healing that is composed of your own blood to improve the healing time and success of your procedures.
GTR is an advanced healing technique used to protect and support a bone or soft tissue graft to ensure it heals properly.
Used for sinus lift bone grafting treatments, PIEZOSURGERY uses ultrasonic vibrations to gently cut bone without harming any soft tissues.